Discover how you, as a business owner, can spread Christmas cheer with tax-free Christmas gifts for employees and clients. We will go through the thresholds and rules to ensure the gifts remain tax-free.
Christmas gifts for Employees
Christmas gift amount 2023
Christmas gifts for employees are tax-free if their value does not exceed 500 SEK including VAT. This applies in 2023, provided that the gift is offered to all employees.
If the value of the Christmas gift exceeds 500 SEK, the entire gift is taxable from the first SEK, and the employer must pay employer tax on the entire value.
Gift cards and cash
Gift cards are a tax-free gift if they cannot be converted into cash. Gifts in the form of money or gift cards that can be converted into cash are not tax-free and must be taxed as benefits.
Christmas gifts for Clients
There are no specific tax deductions for Christmas gifts to clients like there are for employees. Instead, a Christmas gift to clients must follow the general rules for gifts, where a gift can be a promotional gift or a representation gift.
Promotional Gifts
Promotional gifts can be products directly related to the company's range or production, as well as simple promotional items such as calendars with the company's name or logo. It is important to note that gifts of a personal nature are not considered promotional gifts and cannot be deducted for tax purposes. The deduction for promotional gifts is limited to a maximum of 300 SEK plus VAT per person.
Representation Gifts
Representation gifts require an immediate connection to the business, such as gifts given in connection with business negotiations. A deduction can be made up to 300 SEK plus VAT. No deduction is allowed for representation gifts given in connection with holidays or personal occasions, so you cannot deduct a Christmas gift without, for example, a meeting with the client.
Christmas gifts for business Owners
Christmas gifts for Sole Traders
If you have a sole trader business, you are not considered an employee, so you cannot give yourself a tax-free gift. If there are employees in the sole trader business, you can give each employee a tax-free gift worth up to 500 SEK including VAT.
Christmas gifts for Board Members
If you run a limited company and are a board member, you have the option to take out a gift. The rule for employees gifts apply, and a deduction of up to 500 SEK including VAT is allowed.
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