Bank Charges
Costs for maintaining a corporate bank account are deductible. This includes annual fees paid to the bank and additional services such as Swish payments.
Bank Loans and Interest
Loans are not considered a cost but a liability. Therefore, a loan does not reduce profit. However, there are costs associated with a bank loan, such as administration fees and interest.
Interest and other expenses incurred by a bank loan are deductible.
Loans from Shareholders and Interest
If the corporation needs to borrow money, you as a shareholder can lend to the company and receive an entitlement to interest. The interest rate should be market-based, i.e., similar to the rate other banks would charge. The interest can also be calculated as the government loan rate + 1 - 3%.
The interest is deductible for the company, and you as the lender are taxed personally at 30% on the interest income.